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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

California Gurls (feat. Snoop Dogg)

Customer Reviews
Gurls Out
There is no question that there can sometimes be too much of an artist with the same sound. For Katy Perry, she just doesn't seem to showcase anything but being a "sex kitten" image. With her engagement to crude U.K. comic Russell Brand, and her personal life in a upswing, she just doesn't seem to showcase that in her sound though. Her latest single California Gurls, really just doesn't feel like she has a strong vibe here. It feels like a rehashing of her breakthrough when she came out with I Kissed A Girl a couple of years ago. Hopefully she will try and do a better sound for herself for her next single, and her next album. She really needs it, because she can't be too much of the same singer, all the same time.

Song: D+

Pure Undiluted Poison
Words cannot express how I feel about Katy Perry and this song in particular. Ever since she started getting radio play, I've wanted to jam a screwdriver in my ear. This latest song, which is easily the worst track of the year, cannot disappear fast enough. It's manufactured to where even if you hear a couple seconds of it, you're doomed to have its evil awfulness latched into your brain on an infinite torturous loop until you either kill yourself or find a way to erase your mind. Some are foolish enough to listen to this garbage on purpose, thinking that they actually like it, which many of us know is not the case. In reality, it's the result of a pact between the record company and what I can only imagine is Satan herself. Just like the Black Eyed Peas recent turn to the dark side, such songs are impossible to avoid right now, appearing literally everywhere, ready to ruin your day at every turn. They're infused with an artificial sense of sugary estrogen cheerfulness that masquerades as real, intending to come off as a happy girl singing her happy little songs. Makes me want to put a gun in my mouth. And wanting that is very much the opposite of joy.

Even more insidious, they throw Snoop Dogg in here as an effort to reel in proper music fans, and this fool goes with it just because it's a song about California (and it gives him enough money to buy the ganja tree). Snoop is able to just smoke a blunt and forget all about it, but many of us don't have that luxury. I weep for all the blonds out there with enough carbon monoxide in their heads to buy this god-awful abomination. You're driving the men around you crazy and we'll have none of it. And despite being all about sex and only sex, I can't think of anything that makes my popsicle want to melt and fall off more. This song makes my balls shrink. DO NOT WANT.

Great song
As an adult I love this song, it is very catchy and it seems like Katy Perry has some fun songs, but as a mom, not the greatest song for kids. I didn't realize some of the words that were in it, particularly "Sex on the Beach". This was the song my 11 year old asked for on her MP3. I know you can't keep things from them forever, but not quite the words I would like her to be singing all the time.

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